Imagine the smell of cuban cigars, leather chesterfields and oak furniture with the sweet scent of rum and amber in the background, this is The Cigar Lounge.
Fragrance Description:-
Cuban cigars, leather and Amber sweeten this aroma with the scent of old rum, cloves and bergamot whilst the breeze carries the complex labdanum, oak and moss that mingles with the feint citrus of nearby orange groves.
Scent Strength - Moderate - Strong
You will receive a black tin with 8 individual wax melts inside. Just place 1 or 2 wax melts on your wax burner and wait for it to melt to enjoy the aroma.
The tins can be re-used or recycled.
You will receive approximately 48 grams of wax.
Use with an unscented tea-light.